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Hello there! Thanks for giving my site a visit! I'm an Independent Photographer, a CNA, and a full time student. My life is constantly a balance act between all of those things, and trying to maintain some free time.

I started taking photos because I got tired of editing other people's. I started with Photoshop, and once I was proficient with that tool, I moved onto taking and editing my own pictures! People thought I was good at what I was trying to do, so I put myself out there, and I did!

Very seldom do I recognize my own talent, but as a very smart art teacher once told me, "If you don't toot your own horn, no one else ever will."

I hope you enjoy my pictures, and feel free to contact me! I'm always excited to meet and talk to new people and get new ideas!

If you have any ideas, suggestions, questions, etc. You can contact me!

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